This Is Framingham

This Is Framingham
Life in the 'ham

Hi Ed

November 6th, 2012

I went to the McCarthy School today to vote and I don’t know if I just never realized it, or the wing is newly dedicated (probably the latter) but it was great to see the portrait of Ed Convery who passed away this year.  For anyone who doesn’t know, Ed was the Principal of the McCarthy school for many years and I got to know him from working at the History Center.
Ed was one of the most favorite people that I’ve ever been lucky enough to know. ivermectin iodine  I didn’t even believe he was a former principal when I first met him because he was so funny and laid back. ivermectin lotion sklice price in india  Whenever he’d walk in the room at work I’d be in a great mood and if he called in the middle of a hectic day, the stress I was feeling would just disintegrate.  There are so few people that have the power to do that since I’m such a mashugana.  Anyway, it was nice treat to see him this morning and remember what an awesome guy he was. ausmectin

Random flashbacks

September 21st, 2012

Since someone commented about nostalgia in the last post I figured I’d post some random old newspaper clippings and such that I found going through some archives at the History Center.  Some I didn’t bother scanning because I didn’t think I’d use them for the blog, just for personal records, so please excuse the quality of some of these images. ??? ????

Capt’n Bob was where “Angry Ham’s” is now. ??? ????????? ???????

I think most people remember Eb’s. ?????? (????)  I’ll always remember spending my 21st birthday there.

I vaguely remember the Whatnot Candy Kitchen

If anyone got their hair cut by this guy, PLEASE check in and tell me what “the master of hair” was like.

The old 400 Club

I love this poster.

Sportswear Store/Fabric Place

Getting ready for the Holiday season:

I’m still planning on co-writing a  book on Shopper’s World so if anyone has any old photos please consider sharing them.

Happy Holidays and announcment for Shoppers World – The Book(!)

December 20th, 2011

Happy Holidays!
I hope everyone has a great holiday season (next 11 days). ???? ?????? ??? ????????   Although I’ve asked before, I’m putting another shout out to anyone who might have any pictures of the old Shoppers World. I’m excited about co-authoring a book about the original Shoppers World that is just in the beginning stages.  Specifically, we’re looking for photos from the 1970’s and 80’s.  For some reason most of the archives at the Framingham History Center that we’re working with are from the 1950’s and 60’s and then skips to just about three weeks before it was torn down.  Why the era of the 70’s and 80’s are missing, I don’t know but we’d like to document that era of awesomeness as well.  So in this season of giving, we’d appreciate it if you dig deep into your basements and pull out those old photo albums to see if there are any photos of our dear SW. ????? ??? ??   If you have anything you’d like to submit, we will of course give you full credit for your contribution. bet365 ?????? You can email me here at
Thanks and a Happy-Merry to all!

Looking back at the Natick Mall

December 13th, 2011

Another non-‘ham post but I couldn’t resist sharing these images of the old Natick Mall.  I always considered Shoppers World and Natick Mall to be retail and community sisters. Many times kids (like me) had trekked through the woods (before Flutie Pass) to get from one to another.  As much time as I spent at Shopper’s World growing up, I have just as many fond memories of the old Natick Mall.
Even though it was smaller than the monstrosity that is it now, I feel like it was more “grand”. It probably had something to do with the ample sunlight, large potted plants, hanging lights and the ever-changing choreography of the main water fountain by Sears (don’t forget the delightful little rock waterfall by Filene’s)  I hope some of these photos bring back some nice memories for some of you as well.

Ghosts of Dennsion

October 26th, 2011

I was in a 5 and dime in Taunton yesterday and came across some old Dennison products.
I got this for my friend Jim who is a kind of Dennison “connoisseur”.

Something like yard sale tags don’t seem like anything much, but to Jim and I (and I’m sure many other people) it’s a reminder of how happening Framingham used to be.  The Dennison Manufacturing Company produced really great paper products and especially excelled with Halloween party supplies.
I have a few in my own collection:

If you want to see some really impressive examples you can check out Jim’s talk at the Framingham History Center on Oct. 30th at 2:00pm.  There’s an admission fee of $5 (free for FHC members) and you can click here for more info.
If you’re not around or don’t want to pay $5, I think it’s worth googling “Dennison Halloween” and checking out some of awesomeness they made.
I’m sure it’s not for everyone, but some of the designs are fantastic and it’s amazing how recognizable some of these images are that I’ve seen hanging in house windows and tacked to schoolroom bullentin boards for so many years and never realized these decorative images were created right here in Framingham.
I hope everyone has a Happy Halloween!

Great Scott!

October 13th, 2010

The Framingham 14 will be playing the original Back to the Future film to celebrate the 25the 25th Anniversary.  Show times are only once on October 23rd and 25th only. ????? ??????   I think it’s a great idea and thought it would be nice if they do that with more older movies.  Anyway, if you’re looking to go back in time next Saturday (or the following Monday) you can check out the AMC website for the extremely limited showings of the film and buy tickets.

Special post

June 10th, 2010

I know they moved to Natick years ago but Joan and Ed’s Deli was an important part of the old Shoper’s World.  I worked there when it was at SW and remember when I was late for work running up the ramp and bringing home pickles for my mom at the end of the night. ????? ????
Anyway, they had the best knishes around and their food will be missed! ?????? ???????????
Here’s the MWDN article posted today about the closing:

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