If you wouldn’t mind…
June 30th, 2008
While visiting the laundromat at sad plaza on Franklin St. we thought it was funny that they leave closing up the place to the last customer to get their stuff out of the dryer.  It’s good to see such trusting business-customer relations 🙂
Friendly Cleaners, the place that posts this sign, is the filthiest, most digsgusting laundromat I have ever seen anywhere in any part of the country:
1. on any given day half of the machines are marked “OUT OF ORDER”;
2. most of the dryers’ coins slots are mis-labeled so customers lose cash;
3. of the machines that aren’t labeled “Out of Order,” half of them are broken, too, but not labeled, so customers just throw their money away;
4. the owners NEVER wash the floor. If you drop anything on the filthy, nasty floor you can kiss it goodbye;
5. the heat never works in the winter time;
6. the place, in general, is absolutely filthy.
JEFF, THE OWNER, STOPS IN ONLY TO EMPTY THE MONEY FROM THE MACHINES. I have witnessed him pull up in his BMW in the mornings, grab the quarters, and take off.
This clown should be heavily sanctioned in every way possible.
As a resident and a person who depends on coin-operated laundry facilities (because my apartment doesn’t have them) I am livid that a scumbag can get away with having a money-maker like this. He’s stealing from us, and exposing us to health hazards.
Comment by Disgusted Customer — July 5, 2008 @ 8:29 am
Has anyone been back to check on this place all summer?
Last I knew (in July) it was still a mess and customers were really angery because everything was broke.
Comment by Still Disgusted — August 25, 2008 @ 7:36 pm