October 31st, 2016

I’ve been running on roads exclusively since I started running, but recently (as in 2 weekends ago) found an interest in trail running, which I’m actually really afraid of. There are so many rocks and roots to constantly be looking out for and then add a bunch of leaves hiding those things…it’s just a lot to think about while moving forward, especially for someone like me who doesn’t even like to go for a hike in fear of rolling an ankle on an acorn.
But in an attempt to embrace going outside my comfort zone (because we should do that once in a while- right?) I decided to do a 15 mile trail race in NH and loved it, so when I saw the Greater Framingham Running Club‘s Busa Bushwhack 10 mile race through Callahan State Park I signed right up for it.
In my excitement to run a another trail race I neglected to look at the course details, terrain and elevation. I found out that course was way different then the relatively flat rail trail course I did the week before. I remember at one point thinking “I just want to get the f*** out of here!!” and I did eventually, but more importantly I learned that I can throw myself ignorantly into a situation and deal with it (if I want to call that dealing). I also met a super nice runner who is leaps and bounds above me in running accomplishments but saw that I was clearly struggling and took me under her wing, encouraging me to keep up with her. ???? ??? ????? Somehow I did, and got out of the woods without a major face-plant (although I remember grabbing onto a tree at one point downhill) and just a minor ankle sprain.
There were also some really nice runners who I spoke with, including a former co-worker who I hadn’t seen in years, which was great and the volunteers were very knowledgeable and friendly too, just so many nice people. ?????? ????? That’s another thing about this race, that even though everyone seemed to know each other and I went there as a total rogue, people were so nice and easy to talk to. Sometimes I wonder why someone would pay to run when you can do it for free, but it’s events like this that make it worth it and make you feel like you’re part of a group.
Also, I know it shouldn’t matter that much but the pre and post-race food was great. I went to a 5K the day before for the same price that just had old dinner rolls and water at the start and finish, but this race had cookies, coffee, bagels, peanut butter, bananas, sports drink, Waverly Market sandwiches and some other treats. It was really impressive!
Anyway, not that anyone will probably even read this, but I haven’t posted in a while because I don’t get into Framingham much and when I do I’m usually just stuck in traffic or running boring, non-postworthy errands (do I really need to get into how terrible the Trader Joe’s parking lot is again?) but I felt that this was such a nice experience in the old ‘ham that I wanted to share. Thanks GFRC for a really great experience!
Posted in Community, Random, Yays | 384 Comments »
January 2nd, 2013

It seemed like such a long time to have things happen with the house but it finally did and we moved this past weekend.
I remember a while ago thinking I’d have so much fun with a farewell post that rattled off all the reasons why I’m glad we’re leaving and “woo-hoo”ing and all that but I don’t really feel that way anymore.
There were a lot of awesome people I met in Framingham, and they really made living there special. I didn’t like my stupid neighborhood, the crime, traffic/congestion, disappearance of small business, etc… But from this blog I’ve met people who became friends and effected my life in positive ways like becoming a town meeting member, working at the History Center, and having the amazing opportunity to run the Boston Marathon. I don’t think I would have even become a runner if I hadn’t moved to Framingham because of how my introduction to it and the marathon opportunity happened. I’m grateful to my friend Lisa who really started the chain of events that lead to that and other positive experiences.
I’ll be keeping this blog up as a reference in case someone may find it useful (the reason why I started it) and will be able to update it if I meet friends for dinner at a new place there or notice something while driving through.
So instead of my original planned rant, I’ll just say thanks.
Happy New Year 🙂
Posted in Goodbye | 444 Comments »
November 28th, 2012

I just spoke with someone from the GlobeWest today about the Metropolitan Area Planning Council‘s project to help redesign Route 9 to accommodate the foreseen growth in the next few years. One of the areas they will focus on is the “Golden Triangle” and even Shoppers World layout. combination of albendazole and ivermectin The plan is to have the parking on the perimeter while the stores and a common area are in the center. ivermectin for toenail fungus Sound familiar? Good idea!
The MAPC is looking for feedback next week at the Callahan Center from 7-9pm there will be a meeting welcoming people to voice their opinions. You can read more about the meeting here in the article by the MWDN and by checking out the MAPC’s website. There will also be an article in the GlobeWest next week about this as well.
I kind of don’t care since I’m leaving Framingham but since I may stay in the area it’d be nice to see favorable changes to route 9 and Shoppers World since I currently avoid them. ivermectina receita
Posted in Community, Progress, Shoppers World | 1,825 Comments »
November 6th, 2012

I went to the McCarthy School today to vote and I don’t know if I just never realized it, or the wing is newly dedicated (probably the latter) but it was great to see the portrait of Ed Convery who passed away this year. For anyone who doesn’t know, Ed was the Principal of the McCarthy school for many years and I got to know him from working at the History Center.
Ed was one of the most favorite people that I’ve ever been lucky enough to know. ivermectin iodine I didn’t even believe he was a former principal when I first met him because he was so funny and laid back. ivermectin lotion sklice price in india Whenever he’d walk in the room at work I’d be in a great mood and if he called in the middle of a hectic day, the stress I was feeling would just disintegrate. There are so few people that have the power to do that since I’m such a mashugana. Anyway, it was nice treat to see him this morning and remember what an awesome guy he was. ausmectin
Posted in Community, Flashback | 159 Comments »
September 21st, 2012

Since someone commented about nostalgia in the last post I figured I’d post some random old newspaper clippings and such that I found going through some archives at the History Center. Some I didn’t bother scanning because I didn’t think I’d use them for the blog, just for personal records, so please excuse the quality of some of these images. ??? ????

Capt’n Bob was where “Angry Ham’s” is now. ??? ????????? ???????

I think most people remember Eb’s. ?????? (????) I’ll always remember spending my 21st birthday there.

I vaguely remember the Whatnot Candy Kitchen

If anyone got their hair cut by this guy, PLEASE check in and tell me what “the master of hair” was like.
The old 400 Club

I love this poster.

Sportswear Store/Fabric Place

Getting ready for the Holiday season:

I’m still planning on co-writing a book on Shopper’s World so if anyone has any old photos please consider sharing them.
Posted in Flashback | 203 Comments »
September 20th, 2012
I haven’t been posting much because of my like/hate relationship with Framingham. We’re actually in the process of (as my friend refers to) a divorce from the ‘ham. In the meantime we’ll still be here for a few months and when I feel like it I’ll post.
For all the “haters” that tell me to get a life, I just want to point out you could look in the mirror and say the same thing- writing a mean-spirited email to someone you don’t know because they don’t post what you want on their personal blog? One order of life, comin’ up!
Anyway, my friend and I went to check out Sweet Spot Frozen Yogurt in the Trolley Square plaza (855 Worcester Rd). The town of course, as is does with so many small businesses, made it go through tremendous red tape and they had to keep continually postponing their open date from May to September. Pretty nice for a FroYo place to miss out on the whole summer huh? I’m saying this as someone who has spoken to many small business in town and listened to all the hard time the town gives them. Some people I spoke with have had businesses in other towns and they say Framingham is the hardest to have a small business in. It seems to be THE place for storefront churches though. Sorry, see this is why I haven’t felt like writing.
On to good things like frozen yogurt 🙂
The set up is the latest trend of do-it-yourself. You get a cup, serve yourself as much as you want of whatever flavors are available (they change daily) and choose from a variety of toppings from fruit to cheesecake to candy.

Here are our finished products. I got a chocolate and red velvet and my friend got blueberry-acai and cakebatter.
I was pretty impressed with the red velvet. As a baker, I’ve tasted a lot of red velvet batter and this froyo realy tasted like it. There is a great variety of toppings and sauces. They charge $0.45 per ounce once you have everything you want in your cup. Not a bad deal considering you get to put exactly what you want in there.
Also interesting was that for the first time I saw the parking patrol working in the parking lot. I used to come here daily and would often see 3 or 4 cars at a time parked in the fire lane. Today there was just one car but it actually got a ticket.
I know the parking stinks in this plaza but as many times as I’ve wanted to, I never parked in the fire lane because it can make it hard for people to back out of their spots. Most people don’t care though and I know I’ll sound like a square but it was mildly refreshing to see this.

Next post will probably be my debacle with Sullivan Tire..
Posted in **Support Local Business!**, Progress, Restaurants | 184 Comments »
July 18th, 2012

I noticed the old and long time-vacant Desmond O’Mally’s/Metro 9/Big Papi’s is finally getting demolished. I have no idea what will be replacing it, I only found a permit from the town for demolition and nothing else, but I think it’s a good idea to just level the building and start over. treating heartworm with ivermectin
Posted in Goodbye, Progress, What will it be? | 242 Comments »