February 11th, 2011

I heard that the Salvation Army’s thrift shop completed the move from downtown to route 9 so I went to check it out.
The location is at 215 Worcester Rd. where Pier 1 used to be. I’m guessing they’re working on it, but there are no signs on route 9 at the entrance to the parking lot or on the actual store front it self (which oddly faces away from the road).
Inside is clean an organized, much different from the old shop downtown.

I did think it was weird there seemed to be only one employee there. paysafecard ???????? He was helping someone find something and then would yell “I’ll be right there! ?? ?? ???? ???? ????????? ??????? ” to someone waiting to check out at the register. skrill ???????? It happened a couple times while I was walking around.
When I first heard about SA’s store moving to route 9 I was disappointed that a tax exempt agency would be occupying valuable retail space on route 9 but the space has been vacant so long that something might as well be in there. I guess it’s better than another church since we have so many churches that use former retail storefronts in town. At least here I might find something useful and it supports a good organization.
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September 13th, 2010

The State Primary elections will be held tomorrow. Framingham always has a low turn out for voting and I know some people are not motivated to vote but I just thought I’d throw my 2 cents in and say I support Chris Walsh like I did last time he ran. I’ve actually got to know Chris in the past year since his office is right next to where I work and we’ve had some nice conversations about Framingham and I really feel like he’d be a great State Rep.
Also, last year Chris volunteered his time to help lug up the (seemingly) multi-ton Shopper’s World sign from the basement of the History Center- what could be more a reason to support a candidate? 🙂

You can check out Chris’ site for more info at http://www.electchriswalsh.com/
Happy voting and remember if you live in precinct 5, 6 or 9 your voting locations have changed this year. For more information on that click here.
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March 2nd, 2009

Ethan saw this article while reading through CNN Money today. It talks about Framingham’s small businesses and culture. What I found most interesting is that in the slide show, “9 Stories: How we’re coping” Ken’s owner, Tim Hanna says they’re expanding this spring with what I think is a great idea:
“After acquiring and refurbishing an old diner car, Hanna made plans to add a 1930’s style diner, fitted out with black-and-white TVs, costumed waitresses, and a menu featuring classics like green beans, meatloaf and gravy. ‘It will be like stepping back in time, which will be fun,” says Hanna. ??? ???????? ?? ???????? “With so much doom and gloom, it will be a pleasant break.”‘
I’m looking forward to the diner, assuming it will be next to Ken’s or at least in Framingham. Since they own the land they’re on, I’m guessing it will be on the same lot. ???? ???? ????? Anyway, that should be pretty cool to check out. ???? ???? ?????
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