This Is Framingham

This Is Framingham
Life in the 'ham

Laurie Lee’s Fundraiser at Ken’s

January 31st, 2008

Last Sunday night Ethan and I went to Laurie Lee’s fundraising extravaganza at Ken’s Steakhouse. As I’ve posted before, I like Ken’s. They may not have the absolute best steaks but I get a kick out of the old school atmosphere in there.

When we walked in, there was a table to donate (if you wanted) and sign in, then we made our way to ye olde bar. ivermectina gotas dosis para adultos

There was a good turn out of people and Laurie made a great speech about why she is running for selectman. price of ivermectin dispersible tablets

Laurie is basically the reason I became a Town Meeting Member. That’s how I met her. I didn’t know anything about Town Meeting but she saw there was a vacancy in my precinct and thought just from reading my blog that I might find it interesting to do it, so I did. She’s always been very nice to me and I feel has a sincere interest in Framingham being the best town it can be. ivermectin dosage in covid 19 2021 It was a very positive and inspiring atmosphere to be in.
We had a good time and I was surprised I knew more people than I thought I would there. It was something we don’t do every day and a nice way to be involved in Framingham.


  1. I lived in Framingham for 20 years and never once went to Ken’s. I moved away and 10 years later I visited Ken’s for the first time. I like it there. It’s pretty reasonably priced and since my first meal there I’ve eaten there a few more times.

    Comment by Michael — January 31, 2008 @ 5:48 pm

  2. Good ole Ken’s. I still contend they make the best shrimp cocktail sauce you can buy, bottled. I wonder how it’s survived the ever changing world of Route 9.

    Comment by Washington Cube — February 2, 2008 @ 2:48 pm

  3. ” I wonder how it’s survived the ever changing world of Route 9.”

    Well it’s been ther forever, the property site must be worth a fortune, and the settlement check from Ken’s Foods propbably helps too.

    Comment by Rich — February 10, 2008 @ 4:16 pm

  4. Michelle, thanks for posting about this wonderful and encouraging event.

    It’s refreshing to know that despite the fact that Laurie’s been named in the ridiculous lawsuit she nevertheless has the guts to step into the Selectmen race and continue to do what’s right for the Town of Framingham.

    She is one of the most intelligent, insightful, caring, and committed people I’ve ever met and I truly hope this is the beginning of a decades-long span of service on the Board of Selectmen.

    Comment by Sarah O. — February 16, 2008 @ 1:59 pm

  5. I am going to meet Laurie Lee at a gathering this coming Sunday. Her position papers are closely aligned to my thoughts and I look forward to talking with her.

    On another note, I am a frequent diner at Ken’s. My favorite spot is the bar. The shrimp cocktail is, without a doubt, one of the best anywhere. They’ll also serve you horse radish and tabasco upon request to add some heat to the excellent cocktail sauce.

    Comment by George Kean — February 26, 2008 @ 8:44 pm

  6. Your posting clock is off by +5 hours

    Comment by George Kean — February 26, 2008 @ 8:45 pm

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