This Is Framingham

This Is Framingham
Life in the 'ham

Pizza Quest: Friendly Pizza

November 21st, 2006

Sunday we decided to try Friendly Pizza on 135 near the Natick line.  I think I had been there a few years ago if this is the same place that was in the supermarket plaza on 135 where the Harley Davidson store is now.  I get Family Pizza and Friendly pizza mixed up since they’re so close to each other but I have been to one of them a few years ago.
 We just got a small pizza with peppers and onions.

Whenever we get pizza I ask Ethan if he thinks it’s Greek or Italian style because I’m still not clear what the difference is.  He said it’s pretty much Greek but the crust was actually lighter and airier than a typical Greek pizza so I don’t know really what you’d call it.

It was okay, I liked the crust.  I thought it could have had a little more sauce under the blanket of cheese but that’s just me.  Ethan said he thought it was pretty good. ?????? ?????
I think after we tried a place a few weeks ago and agreed it was the worst pizza we ever had,  we’re always pleasantly surprised when a pizza is at least what you expect, and if it’s extra good it a plus. ????? ??? ???? ????   The guy at the counter was friendly enough too.


  1. very nice of you not to dis a local place..which place was it???? beth

    Comment by beth grossman — November 21, 2006 @ 7:34 pm

  2. Made in a Pan=Greek

    Made in a Pan with use of Chicago=Chicago style (eg Uno’s)

    Comment by Rich — November 22, 2006 @ 3:52 am

  3. Would love to know where it was…..

    Comment by Diane — November 22, 2006 @ 1:14 pm

  4. Yeah, me too. Where’s the nastiest pizza in town?

    Comment by Julie — November 29, 2006 @ 6:14 pm

  5. If you want to know if pizza is Italian or Greek you should go straight to Foti! I wonder if he’s still in the business.

    Comment by Jill — November 29, 2006 @ 9:26 pm

  6. Aaaah, Foti!!

    Comment by michelle — November 30, 2006 @ 1:09 am

  7. Friendly has the BEST pizza, IMO, and alot more on the menu. Don’t like the pizza? Try something else- Everything on the menu is good, and they make a great sub too- Jimmy, the owner and almost always the man behind the counter, is as good as you can get anywhere!

    Comment by Jay — December 14, 2006 @ 3:30 pm

  8. Best damn pizza for the money I says. Sure it ain’t the La Cantina or the 400 Club but it ain’t over $10.00 bucks either. And if you really want to experiance a choke and puke try any “Little Caeser’s” anywhere! Uckkahh!

    The Freindly Pizza is good pizza and is competitive with Sudbury Pizza and Asland Pizza. He has delivery too! Good stuff cheap!

    Jim also hasd a sub sandwhich lunch time special with a 20 oz. DRINK that costs under $5.00 bucks. Find that at your “gormet” joints! The fries are great too!



    Comment by Mister Chandu — May 7, 2007 @ 2:16 am

  9. This place has the best chicken wings EVER!!! You need to try them…

    Comment by Tim — November 29, 2007 @ 3:59 pm

  10. can’t help posting again, pizza and Framingham and teh internetz are just too much for me to resist…

    anyway, FriendPie is way cool. the owner was a regular peach to me and my son when we went there after doing laundry next door- the pizza is pretty OK, but i ordered some chicken fingers as a treat for little Mr Bean and we got basically a whole chicken’s worth of AWESOME tender fried goodness.

    It had to be at least a double order, I basically paid $5 for a pound and half of fresh cut fried chicken fingers.

    so, yeah, I’m a fan, and a cook; food can go from so-so to rock-your-world, but be a good man and genuinely kind, and I’ll figure you get a michelin star just for starters. 😀

    Comment by carl — October 6, 2009 @ 9:47 pm

  11. The orignal Friendly Pizza had delicious meatball subs and a tasty tangy sause, this place is Friendly Pizza in name only.

    Comment by mostmoderateD — February 8, 2011 @ 9:15 pm

  12. I believe Friendly Pizza used to be Famous Pizza

    Comment by Jane Kostopoulos — February 7, 2022 @ 8:57 pm

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